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My Account

How to unsubscribe from emails?

You can unsubscribe from any of our mailing lists. At the bottom of each email we send you, you will find an 'Unsubscribe' link. If you wish to have your account deleted, please Contact us, and we'll update you as soon as it's been done by email with

How can I update the email address on my account?

Not a problem, we can do this for you!. Please contact us by emailing your request from your original email address, and we'll let you know as soon as your account is ready for you to log-in with your new address ☺ . Here is our email address for you

How do I log out of my account?

If you're logged in and wish to log out or sign out of your account simply:. 1. Navigate to your profile by clicking your name next to the person icon at the top right corner of the page. 2. Scoill down and click on the Sign Out tab

I had an account but I can't login to it - how do I finish setting up my account on the new Nourished Life site?

Welcome back 😊  If you had an account on our previous website, all you need to do to login, is to complete setting up your account first. If you can't see the email in your main inbox make sure you check your spam folder too, or search for an email